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Solar PV System Training Video


Solar Energy Training: PV System Training Video

Solar Energy Slides Training Video covering an introduction to solar energy, solar PV systems, PV system size classifications, solar installation component introductions, solar installations, solar design, Return on Investment and PV system maintenance..

Photovoltaic (PV) is a renewable energy technology that converts solar radiation directly into electricity.  Solar energy is abundantly available; the Earth receives enough solar energy every hour to meet the world’s annual energy needs. The advantages of PV are-


  • Generate your own electricity and reduce your electric bill

  • Protect against future utility increases

  • Sell excessive power back to the Utility Grid:

  • Spin your meter backwards with Net Metering

  • Reduce the burning of fossil fuels for a healthier environment

  • Increase the value of your home or business

  • Solar modules have up to a 25-year warranty

  • Systems typically have a lifetime of 40+ years